Welcome to

Love Will Foundation

Our mission is to provide affordable counseling for eligible individuals, build a center of hope and compassion through community engagements, and educate to stand against the mental health stigma.  

Love Will Foundation is a 501c3 organization in the Greater St. Louis metropolitan area.

If you or someone you know is in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), a free 24-hour hotline.  In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 or visit your nearest emergency room.

Why It Matters

It is reported that 1 in 5 Americans lives with a mental illness; that is nearly 51.5 million people. Additionally, half of all mental illnesses develop by age 14 and 75% develop by age 24. Early intervention leads to better outcomes as some mental illnesses worsen over time. Suicide is cited as the second leading cause of death among people aged 10-34 within the United States. There are multiple barriers to care stemming from lack of education surrounding signs, symptoms, and treatment of mental illness. We also know from personal experience that the cost of counseling services restricts access to care for many suffering.

Love Will Foundation is working to directly reduce these barriers by assisting with the cost of counseling services as well as educating our community through the experience of others when to ask for help and the benefits of seeking treatment.

The above statistics were obtained from National Institute of Mental Health and National Alliance of Mental Illness.

Tuesdays with Jessica